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I Was Here

My boyfriend and I love going on vacation.  It's what we live for.  My favorite was visiting Salem, Massachusetts.  But close in second is Bike Week in Sturgis, SD.


This is at Niagara Falls, the US side.  Lots of people from all different places.  It was a beautiful day.


This is me in front of Quincy Market in Boston, Massachusetts.  YES!  You do see two pairs of sunglasses.  One to wear on the motorcycle and the other to wear when not riding the motorcycle.


I call this picture, "Two Witches".  It was taken in August 2001 on our Road Trip vacation.  This is in Witch Town in Salem, Massachusetts.  All witches need to go there atleast once in their lifetime.


This is My boyfriend and I about 10 miles away from Devils Tower.  It is AWESOME!  If you ever get a chance YOU MUST GO.


This is Kathy and Mike...


...Boris and Marianne...


...and my favorite, the Playboy Triplets!


This picture was taken in August 2002.  My boyfriend and I went to Sturgis, South Dakota for Bike Week.  I LOVED IT.  This is near Mt. Rushmore.  We plan to go every year from now on.  We actually camped behind Mt. Rushmore.  It was about a 5 mile drive to get to the  national park.


This was taken on my Birthday in 2002 while on our trip to Strugis.  We spent the whole day with two new friends from California, John and Cundy.  We rode to Devil's Tower and then to the Badlands National Park.  Stopping here and there, we had a blast.  It was the best Birthday I have ever had.


On my Birthday, somewhere between Devils Tower and the Badlands National Park, in a town called Spear Fish, SD, we stopped at a bar and celebrated my Birthday with a drink.  I WAS LOVIN' IT!


...Bob and Penny...


...Marcos and Beckie...